Third Party vs. Fourth Party Risk Management: A Deep Dive

Third Party vs. Fourth Party Risk Management: A Deep Dive

By: Beaconer, Apr 2, 2024

Third Party vs. Fourth Party Risk Management: A Deep Dive

Third- and fourth party risk management are crucial aspects of a robust organizational risk mitigation strategy. However, they differ in the scope of vendors they target.


Let’s delve into the specifics:

Scope of Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)

  • Focus: Direct vendors with whom your organization has a contractual relationship. These can be suppliers, contractors, service providers, or any entity accessing your data or systems.
  • Risks Assessed: Security breaches, data leaks, financial instability, operational disruptions, and reputational damage due to vendor actions.


Management Techniques:

  • Due diligence: Assessing the vendor’s security practices, financial health, and vendor  regulatory compliance before onboarding.
  • Contractual safeguards: Embedding contract clauses that outline security expectations, data protection protocols, and incident response procedures.
  • Vendor performance monitoring: Continuously evaluating the vendor’s adherence to agreed-upon security measures and performance metrics.


Scope of Fourth Party Risk Management (FPRM)

  • Focus: Vendors of your third party vendors. These entities further down the supply chain may indirectly impact your organization.
  • Risks Assessed: Similar to TPRM risks, but with added complexity due to the lack of a direct relationship. Data breaches at a fourth party can propagate through your third-party vendor, impacting you. Operational disruptions at a sub-vendor can cause delays in your services.


Management Techniques:

  • Collaboration with Third Parties: Encouraging your vendors to implement strong third party risk management practices to ensure the security of their own supply chain.
  • Contractual Clauses: Include provisions in your third-party contracts requiring them to manage risks posed by their vendors (fourth parties).
  • External Monitoring Tools: Utilizing tools like attack surface monitoring platforms to gain some visibility into the security posture of fourth parties, even without a direct connection.


Key Differences:

  • Level of Visibility: TPRM offers greater risk visibility as you have a direct relationship with the vendor. FPRM presents a challenge due to the lack of a direct connection with fourth parties.
  • Control: You can exert more control over risk mitigation with TPRM through contractual agreements and ongoing monitoring. FPRM relies heavily on collaboration with your third parties.
  • Complexity: TPRM is generally less complex to manage as the number of vendors involved is smaller. FPRM introduces additional complexity due to the extended supply chain. Using a TPRM software helps to easily manage both third party and fourth party vendors.


The Takeaway

Both TPRM and FPRM are essential for a comprehensive risk management strategy. Understanding their differences allows you to develop a layered approach that addresses vulnerabilities across your entire vendor ecosystem.

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Managing Third Party Risk: A Concise Guide

1. Identification: Compile a list of all third-party relationships.
2. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the risk associated with each relationship.
3. Due Diligence: Conduct thorough background checks and assess vendor security policies.
4. Contractual Agreements: Establish clear contracts outlining security expectations.
5. Ongoing Monitoring: Implement processes for regular security assessments and audits.
6. Incident Response Planning: Develop plans for responding to security incidents involving third parties.
7. Continuous Improvement: Continuously assess and improve your third-party risk management program.

Following these steps ensures proactive identification and mitigation of third-party risks, safeguarding data and business continuity.


Managing Fourth Party Risk: A Step-by-Step Guide

Fourth-party vendors lurking further down the supply chain enlisted by your third-party partners can introduce hidden risks to your organization. While direct control might seem limited, proactive measures can significantly improve your fourth-party risk management (FPRM) posture. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to manage fourth parties:


1. Leverage Existing Third Party Risk Management (TPRM):

Foundation for FPRM: A robust TPRM program forms the bedrock for effective FPRM. Strong vendor onboarding processes that assess security practices, financial health, and regulatory compliance for your direct vendors (third parties) translate into a more secure overall supply chain.


2. Contractual Safeguards:

Embedding FPRM Clauses: During third-party contracting, incorporate clauses that obligate your vendors to manage risks associated with their own vendors (fourth parties). These clauses can specify:

Fourth-Party Due Diligence: Requiring your vendors to conduct due diligence on their own high-risk fourth parties, similar to how you assess them.

Security Standards: Mandating that fourth parties adhere to minimum security standards, like adherence to specific data security frameworks.

Incident Reporting: Establish clear communication protocols for your vendors to report any security incidents or breaches involving fourth parties that might impact your organization.


3. Mapping the Fourth-Party Landscape:

Indirect Visibility: While direct oversight might be limited, gaining some visibility into your fourth-party ecosystem is crucial. Here’s how:

Vendor Questionnaires: Integrate questions into your third party vendor questionnaires that request information about their critical fourth parties, particularly those with access to your data or systems.

Periodic Updates: Encourage your vendors to update you on any changes or concerns regarding their high-risk fourth parties.

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4. Collaboration is Key:

Partnering with Third Parties: Open communication and collaboration with your vendors is vital for effective FPRM. Here are some strategies:

Sharing Best Practices: Provide your vendors with resources and best practices for managing their own fourth-party risks.
Joint Risk Assessments: Consider conducting joint risk assessments with your critical vendors to evaluate the security posture of their high-impact fourth parties.


5. Leverage Technology (where applicable):

External Monitoring Tools: While direct access might be restricted, certain technologies can offer some visibility into the security posture of fourth parties.

Attack Surface Monitoring (ASM): These tools can scan the internet for publicly exposed assets related to your vendors, potentially revealing vulnerabilities within their (and consequently, your) fourth-party ecosystem.


6. Continual Monitoring and Improvement:

Staying Vigilant: FPRM is an ongoing process. Regularly review your fourth-party risk landscape, assess the effectiveness of implemented controls, and adapt your strategies as needed.

Focus on Critical Fourth Parties: Prioritize your efforts to manage risks associated with high-impact fourth parties, those with access to sensitive data or who play a critical role in your operations.

Balance Cost and Risk: Implementing FPRM measures should be balanced against the potential risks and costs involved. Focus on cost-effective solutions that provide the most value.


By following these steps and continuously refining your FPRM approach, you can significantly mitigate the risks posed by fourth-party vendors and ensure a more secure overall supply chain.



Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section. This resource is designed to provide clear and concise answers to some of the most common questions related to third party and fourth party risk management. Whether you are new to the topic or looking for specific information, these FAQs offer valuable insights and practical guidance.

1) How can organizations ensure third parties effectively manage their fourth parties?

Organizations should ensure that their third parties manage their fourth parties by establishing clear contractual agreements, conducting thorough third party due diligence, implementing robust oversight mechanisms, fostering open communication channels, regularly assessing performance, and promptly addressing any issues or discrepancies that arise to maintain accountability and ensure alignment with organizational goals. Implementing robust monitoring mechanisms and holding third parties accountable for the actions of their subcontractors or affiliates helps mitigate risks across the supply chain for an organization. 

2) What tools and technologies can assist in third and fourth party risk management?

Tools and technologies such as vendor risk management platforms, supply chain mapping software, and AI-driven risk assessment tools help organizations identify, assess, and monitor third and fourth party risks effectively. These solutions provide insights into vendor security posture, compliance status, and potential vulnerabilities, enabling proactive third and fourth party risk management. 

3) How can organizations integrate third and fourth party risk management into their overall risk strategy?

Organizations can integrate third and fourth party risk management into their overall risk strategy by aligning processes, data sharing, and communication channels across departments. By incorporating vendor risk assessments, monitoring subcontractor activities, and collaborating with stakeholders, organizations can enhance resilience against supply chain vulnerabilities and strengthen their overall third party risk management framework.

4)  What are the consequences of not having an effective risk management program?

The consequences of lacking an effective third party risk management program include financial losses from incidents like data breaches or supply chain disruptions, damage to reputation and stakeholder trust, regulatory fines, and legal liabilities. Without proactive risk mitigation, organizations face increased vulnerability to threats and challenges, potentially jeopardizing their long-term sustainability.

5) How can organizations stay updated on emerging risk trends?

Organizations can stay updated on emerging risk trends through continuous monitoring of industry news, participation in professional networks and forums, engagement with regulatory agencies, subscribing to risk intelligence services, and conducting regular risk assessments to identify new threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring proactive third party risk management.

Author Bio

Nagaraj Kuppuswamy

Nagaraj Kuppuswamy is the Co-founder and CEO of Beaconer, an esteemed enterprise specializing in managed third-party risk using the cloud native AI based solution. With an extensive portfolio of accolades and industry certifications, Nagaraj stands out as a seasoned expert, boasting over 16 years of dedicated involvement in the field of Cybersecurity. Throughout the course of their career, he has predominantly focused on elevating the realm of third-party risk assessment.


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